We raise goats for milk and pasture maintenance. Well, those are the reasons my husband and I agree that we raise goats. Between you and me, it is also because goats are so much fun; and there is nothing in the world as cute as a bouncing baby goat.

Nigerian Dwarf Goats are smaller, more manageable goats who produce milk with the highest butterfat content. Alpine goats produce great quantities of milk. By crossing the two breeds (aka Mini Alpines) you get the best of both worlds. Goat’s milk is great for drinking, cheese, and soap making. We also use our goats to improve our pasture. With the help of portable electric fencing, we use rotational grazing to move the goats around our pastures to get rid of weeds and brush. Each spring we can see the improvements the goats have made to our pasture. We sell goat kids, wethers, and the occasional bred doe.

Please contact us for more information.